Let's stay united and let Thamizhnadu shine as a beacon for India! - President KamalHaasan

20 February 2023


Let's not resort to laying hands on those who lay their hands on us. All we need to do is, vote for the hand symbol. The energy from the people of Erode East resonated just that. Let's stay united and let Thamizhnadu shine as a beacon for India!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ikamalhaasan/status/1627186050643922946?s=20

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid04GBzsEN22aQZwaDXn7eDPSZf7JQpLUFJRHy2eUQMQXP73Dsbza8KLzYUkg49at8fl&id=100044460698474&mibextid=Nif5oz

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